Physics Warping
Arcane spell list.
Spell Area of Effect Duration Range
1)Negative Visision 1 Target 1 rnd/lvl 10'
2)Fluorescence 1 Target 1 rnd/lvl 30'
4)Heightened Hearing Caster 1 rnd/lvl Self
5)Higher Hearing 1 Target 1 rnd/lvl 50'
6)Lower Vision 1 Target 1 min/lvl 10'
8)Light Absorption Caster 1 hr/lvl Self
9)Mirror Effect 1 Target 1 rnd/lvl 10'
10)Matter Warping 1 Target 1 rnd/lvl 50'
11)Double Gravity 1 Target 1 min/lvl 100'
12)X-Ray Vision Caster 1 rnd/lvl Self
14)Limb Alteration 1 Target 1 rnd/lvl 100'
15)Matter Alteration 1 cu''/lvl Permanent 10'
16)Heightened X-Ray Vision Caster 1 rnd/lvl Self
18)Triple Gravity 1 Target 1 min/lvl 100'
20)90 Degree Gravity 1 Target 1 rnd/lvl 50'
25)Anti-Bleeding 1 Wound 1 min/lvl Touch
30)Anti-Gravity 1 Target 1 sec/2lvls 50'
50)Time Reverse 1 Target 1 rnd/lvl 50'
1.Negative Vision (F)
Target sees all as colour film negative and is at -5 to all actions.
2.Fluorescence (F)
Target glows in the dark.
4.Heightened Hearing (F)
Caster's hearing rate is doubled. +50 to hearing perceptions.
5.Higher Hearing (F)
Target can hear noises only at ultrasonic frequency and up.
6.Lower Vision (F)
Target sees only infrared frequency and down.
8.Light Absorption (F)
As Shadows in Ranger base list:Nature's Guises.
9.Mirror Effect (F)
Target reflects all light. Attacks against target are at -20.
(At full daylight only!)
10.Matter Warping (F)
Target thinks the matter (usually air) he is in is in some other form
eg. solid, liguid (casters choice)
11.Double Gravity (F)
Doubles targets mass. Doubles the rate of exhaustion point usage.
-75 to all physical actions.
12.X-Ray Vision (F)
Caster can see through flesh (and other soft materials).
14.Limb Alteration (F)
Target thinks his arms are his legs and vice-versa. -100 to all
physical actions.
15.Matter Alteration (F)
Caster can convert matter to any other matter (except gold, platinium,
silver, mithril etc) up to 1 cu''/lvl. Eg. caster could turn stone
to iron.
16.Heightened X-Ray Vision (F)
As X-Ray Vision, but caster can vary the intensity of his vision so
that he can, for example, see organs also. Caster can also see through
wood: 1''/lvl, stone: 1''/2lvls and metal: 1''/3lvls
18.Triple Gravity (F)
As Double Gravity except the mass is tripled. Exhaustion point usage is
tripled and physical actions are at -150.
20.90 Degree Gravity (F)
Gravity for the target is 90 degrees of normal direction eg. he can for
example walk on a wall.
25.Anti-Bleeding (H)
Reverses the effect of one bleeding wound. Treat it as regeneration spell
for the duration of this spell. After that, bleeding continues normally.
30.Anti-Gravity (F)
Reverses the direction of gravity for 1 target. Eg. target begins to
fall upwards.
50.Time Reverse (F)
Target goes back in age 1yr/2lvls of caster. If he/she didn't exsist such
time ago, then he/she ceases to exsist for the duration of the spell.
Example: 50th lvl Archmage casts this spell to an young orc (20 years).
Since the orc was not born 25 years ago, it would vanish and
reappear after 50 rounds. RR mod: -25.
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