Improvised spells fumble table

V0.001, 2000-07-16

Improvised spells have been too safe to use - until now.

01-20	The strain causes caster to lose concentration. The spell is lost,
	as well as half (round up) the power points used to attempt the
21-30	Mild mental lapse causes caster to lose spell and half the power
	points used. Caster is stunned for 1 round.
31-40	Moderate, but serious strain causes caster to lose both the spell
	and all the power points used in the attempt. Stunned for 2 rounds.
41-60	Serious mental lapse causes an ineffectual spell. One-fifth (round
	down) of the used power creates a random mutated spell into a random
	direction (80% chance) or upon the caster (20% chance). Caster is
	also stunned for 2 rounds.
61-75	Subconscious fear causes an ineffectual spell. One quarter (round
	down) of the used power creates a random mutated spell (as 41-60,
	above). Caster is also stunned for 3 rounds.
76-90	Severe strain causes caster to misfire. Stunned for 4 rounds.
	One quarter of the power creates a random mutated spell upon the
	caster, while another quarter of the power creates such a spell
	into random direction.
91-95	Extreme mental pressure causes caster to misfire (as 76-90, above)
	and collapse to the ground. Caster takes 10 hits, and is stunned
	for 6 rounds.
96-100	Caster internalizes the spell, taking from 1-10 random mutated
	spells at herself (power divided among these spells). Caster is
	knocked out for 12 hours and takes 20 hits.
101-125	Spell is mutated and launched into a random direction
	(roll d10; numbers 1 to 8 indicate compass directions, 9 is up,
	and 0 means the spell targets the caster). Caster is stunned for
	1 round and takes 10 hits.
126-150	Spell is mutated, divided into two parts, both launched
	into random directions (as 101-125, above). Caster is stunned for
	2 rounds and takes 15 hits.
151-175	Spell is mutated and is cast in direction opposite to the intended
	line (or, in case of benefical spells, affects the enemy instead
	of caster or a friend, etc). Caster suffers mental collapse, takes
	25 hits, and is unable to function for 6 hours.
176-185	Caster internalizes spell, takes 30 hits, and suffers nerve damage
	in brain. Half of the power used rebounds from caster, launching
	from 1-10 random mutated spells into random directions. Caster loses
	all spell casting ability for 2 weeks, and requires 3 months bed
	rest (or nerve repairs, if available).
186-191	As 176-185, above, except that caster takes 40 hits, is in coma for
	1 week, and loses all spell casting ability for 4 weeks.
192-195	Caster suffers a massive stroke, taking 60 hits; the spell is
	mutated into something harmful and targets the caster with its
	full strength, then the full power rebounds as 1-10 random mutated
	spells into random directions. Caster lapses into a month long
	coma. Caster will regain consciousness, but will die 3 hours
	later, unless major nerve repairs are done. In any case, caster
	loses spell casting ability for 6 months.
196-200	As 192-195, above, except caster takes 60 hits and is paralyzed from
	the waist down, not in coma. Spell casting ability is lost for 3
201-250	As 192-195, above, except caster takes 50 hits, loses spell casting
	ability for 6 months and is in a coma for 4 weeks (won't die).
251-300	Severe nervous disorder causes the spell to be launched in harmful
	random mutated forms. In addition, every caster within 250' is
	ripped of power points (RR vs. the spell level to resist) which
	are also launched randomly. If the caster survives, he or she
	loses all spell casting ability for a year.
301+	As 251-300, above, except caster takes also 100 hits and dies
	quickly unless placed in stasis until given major brain repairs
	(or if brain is repaired immediately). In any case, caster loses
	all spell casting ability for a year.

Random mutated spell often resembles the intended effect, but may sometimes (20% chance) become almost anything. It's up to GM to say what happens. The worst fumbles can create permanent magic items or effects upon anything; sometimes these are even benefical. (Mr. Niilo Paasivirta)